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Join our grassroots development project which encourages young people to explore artistic pathways and a vocational dance education


About the Project

STREAM has been born out of an ambition to bolster our community offering, further diversify our student body and also extend our reach as a leading ballet school and arts charity. STREAM takes our programme of study and delivers it to those who perhaps have not had the opportunity to experience a vocational training workshop before. We believe that by bringing high-quality delivery of dance education to places it would not normally touch, we can capture a much larger pool of talent in the South of England. 


As part of this year's pilot delivery of STREAM, we are looking to partner with up to 15 academic schools, dance schools and after-school programmes to deliver workshops to students across the South of England, led by our experienced practitioners. 

Exposure is key to this project. We know that by exposing young people to information about artistic pathways and working with them to explore what that type of educational journey can look like, it leads to greater engagement and an improved interest and appreciation for the arts, regardless of if the individuals desire to pursue the profession or not.

The skills honed in a vocational education with LVBS transfer directly into academic achievement. Discipline, problem solving and dedication underpin every sector of the modern world - these tools are the foundation of our teachings as part of our programme of study. In STREAM delivery, we touch on these as part of the information session post-workshop, allowing students to better understand the rigours of training as a ballet dancer and inspiring them to be fearless in pursuit of success.


What are the benefits of dance?

  • Increased muscular strength, endurance and aerobic fitness

  • Better coordination and agility

  • Improved spatial awareness

  • Increased overall physical confidence

  • Improved general and psychological well being

  • Greater self-confidence, self-esteem and self-motivation

  • Better social skills and mental dexterity

What will it encompass?

If you decide to apply to join us as a STREAM partner, we would facilitate a workshop for your students with movement and music, led by one of our faculty. We’d follow up our workshop with an information session, where we explore what training as a ballet dancer can look like, and identify the pathways towards pursuing dance as a career. We'll discuss the benefits of dance and debunk myths on following a career in the arts.

We are looking to do four key things with STREAM:

  • Develop a better understanding of the need for more projects like STREAM in the wider London area and the South of England

  • Encourage talent at a grassroots level and support it by demonstrating to young people the options available to them around a career in the arts

  • Diversify our student body and our associate programme

  • Build a network of “feeder” hubs into our LVBS Associate Programme and by, extension, our full-time school


Interested? Next steps...

The second year of STREAM will run from September 2024 until May 2025. Applications for partnership are open now. Please contact us here to discuss becoming a partner. If your application is selected, we will oversee the delivery of the initial workshop and provide you with resources to promote the project and your part in it.

London Vocational Ballet School

58 Bulwer Street


W12 8AP

Phone: 0208 746 0412

Registered Charity: 1148129

Kerry Williams (DSL): 07470951199 or in an emergency outside of term time, pelase contact ICAT for Hammersmith and Fulham: 020 8748 8588 (Out of Hours) | 020 8753 6600 (General Enquiries)

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